Earlier this week, Italian soccer club Pescara unveiled their new kit for the 2020–21 season that may or may not happen. The kit was the winning entry of a contest that asked young supporters to dream up their ideal Pescara jersey. The colorful shirt made waves because its artist, Luigi, is 6 years old. The jersey’s legitimate coolness is able to overshadow the immediately obvious fact that no 6-year-old could possibly put together something this good.
Here is the side-by-side of the drawing attributed to Luigi and the translated version Pescara will wear if soccer returns in 2020:
There’s not a 6-year-old in the world capable of drawing such straight lines. Real 6-year-olds treat the lines between which they color as suggestions at best; a kid that young producing such even color saturation would be hailed the new Rembrandt by kindergarten teachers across the globe. I absolutely, 100 percent do not believe a child that age made that.
Of course, this is no crime. The kit “Luigi” “drew” is awesome, and while it’s perhaps a bit too busy to look good in action, there probably won’t ever be any action, so no harm, no foul.
Still, I can’t help but feel for some of the kids whose parents didn’t set them up with stencils and strict orders, and let their minds and hands run free. Below are a few of my favorites. (Note that the contest explicitly mentioned the need for solidarity during coronavirus, so that’s why the artistic rendering of the physical virus is featured in many submissions.)

The hands-down winner for my personal favorite, though, is this bad boy. The piece really makes the most of every part of the canvas:

You were robbed, Lorenzo.
Aquacow says:
Some of those kids should be hired at UTSB
April 23, 2020 — 11:09 am
TH(c)HG says:
Billy’s illustration looks like a ghost is wagging his dick at a soccer ball.
April 23, 2020 — 11:13 am
Bruton Gaster says:
Live hard + Die hard = Ghost hard?
April 23, 2020 — 12:44 pm
Hank Scorpio says:
Let’s put Diana on this. We need an investigation to reveal the true artist.
April 23, 2020 — 11:14 am
Hit Bull Win Steak says:
Finally getting out of the shadow of his shorter, overrated brother.
April 23, 2020 — 11:17 am
La Muerte Peluda says:
The UTSB Investigations Team will soon reveal “Luigi” is just Christian Riese Lassen.
April 23, 2020 — 11:34 am
High-functioning Falcoholic says:
Every single one of these is significantly better than the Falcon’s new gradient jerseys
April 23, 2020 — 11:53 am
AJ says:
Federica’s might be the best summation of 2020 and our never ending feeling of impending doom
April 23, 2020 — 1:04 pm
Bae Bae Watt says:
Lorenzo Di Baldassarro got robbed twice – once by not winning this contest, and the second by not winning 2020’s NOTY bracket.
April 23, 2020 — 2:27 pm
JustAGuyGuy says:
Well I’m sorry you don’t believe in MAGIC, Billy.
April 23, 2020 — 2:35 pm
biff_wonsley says:
VfL Bochum has often incorporated a rainbow in their shirts over the years.
Really. How interesting.
April 23, 2020 — 8:21 pm
Minz says:
The interesting thing here is that the team has stuffed up the dolphin in the jersey – the original drawing looks much more like a dolphin!
April 24, 2020 — 9:23 pm