I’ve spent no less than one trillion years this quarantine thinking about, worrying about, and ethically debating amounts. How much toilet paper do two people really need? If you only go to the liquor store every two weeks, should you also pick up a bottle of wine at the grocery store even though you don’t have a car and will have to carry the heavy wine back to your apartment? Do you buy two bottles of wine? Is it unethical to buy two bags of flour even though you haven’t seen all-purpose flour in weeks and your fellow citizens might need some? And of course: how much pot is the right amount of pot?
For the longest time, I never thought about this question. I had pot in my apartment and my pot served me well. I used the pot whenever I wanted and it seemed to be enough. Never once did I look around and say hmmm… is this a normal amount of pot for a person to have? Should I have more?
But then last week, I saw something that haunted me.
I was casually watching Bon Appetit Youtube videos as they are the only thing that brings me joy. Because no one is allowed to go to work right now, the chefs are working from their own homes. While watching Brad Leone make a fermented garlic ginger paste, I was overcome with questions. Look at how much pot this man has!!!!

By my count, Brad Leone has no fewer than 17 pots/pans in his kitchen. Now, I cook a lot. I used to cook about four dinners a week, but now all I do is cook and my religion is washing dishes and I hate it. What is a normal amount of pots and pans for an adult to have?
In my apartment I have only nine pots and pans total! NINE! I thought this was so many pots, plenty of pot, but now, you know, I am not so sure. Brad Leone seems to have more cast iron skillets than I have total pots and pans.
As a solid medium, I turned to my elders for advice. Megan Greenwell had 8 pots, and some pans. David Roth had “five or six pots/pans.” Bert has 11 pots and pans, all of which he knew everything about. Barry Petchesky says, “6.” Drew Magary claims you only need 3 things: skillet, big pot, and a smaller pot. Dan McQuade says you need “as many as you need, but, like, at least 3 pots and 2 pans.” Dave McKenna said that he has “more than 100 guitars.”
So there you have it, folks, you simply need some pots and pans: enough to make you happy and calm and not so many that you will forget you have some and they will dry out unused and be sad.
UPDATE: Unnamed Temporary Sports Blog reached out to pot overlord and Bon Appetit Test Kitchen star Brad Leone for comment on how much pot a person should have. Leone says:
whatever you’re into.. have 3 and cook or have 37!
Brad Leone
When asked how many pots he personally has, Leone told us: “Like actually own all over idk 56-60 ha.”
crackingbear says:
Damn you all with your tricky ledes! It’s almost like click bait, and I just can’t stay away
April 20, 2020 — 12:50 pm
Do we still do greys here? says:
I have, I think, 13 pot. But some of my pot need replace. Thanks.
April 20, 2020 — 12:53 pm
Lee Tables says:
At this moment I am not entirely sure I can tell you which of my things is a pot and which is a pan.
April 20, 2020 — 1:19 pm
Lee Tables says:
And why this replied to you I cannot say. How Much Kinja Should a Blog Have?
April 20, 2020 — 1:20 pm
I think they are all pot.
April 20, 2020 — 1:32 pm
MightyFightinDuck says:
The most versatile pot/pan is a high-sided saute pan. That combined with a stockpot and saucepan is all you need. And if you want to make it four, add a cast-iron skillet.
April 20, 2020 — 12:54 pm
MightyFightinDuck says:
For the record, I have 15:
4 cast-iron skillets (12 in., 10 in., 2-8 in.)
1 cast-iron pot
3 non-stick pans of various sizes
1 non-stick saute pan
4 non-stick pots of various sizes
1 dutch oven
1 Stainless steel skillet
April 20, 2020 — 1:48 pm
Michael says:
We need a pot rundown. I have 9 too and its perfect. Cast iron pan, dutch oven, stovetop pressure cooker, 3 stainless steel pots of different sizes, one saute pan, one small skillet, and a non-stick (eggs only).
April 20, 2020 — 12:55 pm
Albert Burneko says:
I have:
1 absurdly huge 40-quart stockpot
1 less huge but still quite huge pot that is sort of weirdly bell-shaped
1 Dutch-oven-sized stainless steel pot
1 heavy enameled cast-iron Dutch oven
1 smol stainless steel saucepan with lid
1 even smoler stainless steel saucepan that used to have a lid but I lost it
1 stainless steel saute pan
1 stainless steel skillet
1 large enameled cast-iron skillet
1 large oval-shaped enameled cast-iron skillet that is too big for a single stovetop burner
1 strange square-shaped skillet that used to be nonstick many years ago
Most of these are hand-me-downs. The huge stockpot, the extra-smol saucepot, the oval skillet, and the square skillet get virtually no regular use, but all the rest are in pretty steady rotation. I do the dishes a lot.
April 20, 2020 — 2:30 pm
Kelsey McKinney says:
Bert,,,,, thank you
April 20, 2020 — 4:47 pm
Jimmy Dugan’s Piss Tape says:
for some reason I expected several Dutch ovens in various sizes, a grill pan and maybe a carbon steel sauté.
April 21, 2020 — 7:32 am
Knightro829 says:
This is the content that keeps me coming back.
April 20, 2020 — 12:55 pm
Knightro829 says:
And for the record:
Pots: 11 Qt stock pot, 8 Qt pasta pot, 6.5 qt stock pot, 5 qt cast iron dutch oven
Saucepans (DESERVE THEIR OWN CATEGORY!): 3 non-stick and one stainless of various sizes
Pans: cast iron skillet, two non-stick skillets, two non-stick griddles
That’s 13 pot. And they’re all used regularly save for the big 11 qt which i should just call my jambalaya pot because I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing I ever cook in it.
April 20, 2020 — 1:16 pm
Awesome's Razor says:
Dammit Kelsey.
April 20, 2020 — 12:57 pm
Kelsey McKinney says:
yes? what?
April 20, 2020 — 1:04 pm
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I forgot about my two cast iron pot. And my little egg pot. So that is 16 pot that I have. One can never have too many pot, if you ask me.
April 20, 2020 — 12:59 pm
Does It Really Matter? says:
If you keep kosher like we do, you need two different sets of pot at all times.
April 20, 2020 — 1:10 pm
BoredEsq says:
Plus pesachdik – I’ve got 4 sets of pot. Plus my wife likes to keep some parve pot around, so really we’ve got 4 full sets of pot and a few dank stragglers that, in my single days, I’d have counted as 6 sets of pot.
April 20, 2020 — 2:43 pm
Padre Brown Trout says:
Do you have any tips for storage? Right now all of my pot is on my stovetop, so that I have easy access to it. Do I need to keep it in a cupboard out of sight? Do I need to keep it away from open air as much as possible?
April 20, 2020 — 1:00 pm
Rex Manning Day says:
You should be careful storing your pot on your stove. A couple weeks ago I burned my fingertips picking up a pot lid that was on the stove because it was too close to a burner that was on and it got hot.
Your pot is meant to get hot, that’s its job, you just want to be sure that it only gets hot when *you* want it to get hot. If you keep it on the stove, it might get hot when you don’t want it hot, and that is a bummer.
April 20, 2020 — 1:22 pm
And it’s a very good way to burn your pot.
April 20, 2020 — 1:33 pm
joe says:
i have 2 pot and 3 pan (5), need more i think
April 20, 2020 — 1:01 pm
sedevilc says:
So many pot, too lazy to count.
April 20, 2020 — 1:06 pm
Hehe says:
I have an 8th pot lolllll
April 20, 2020 — 1:07 pm
HusbandHeatsFishInMicrowave says:
April 20, 2020 — 1:09 pm
TH(c)HG says:
10 pounds.
You can make it a bunch of lightweight pots, or a few heavy-ass pots. Or 10 pounds of weed. Works the same.
April 20, 2020 — 1:19 pm
meals on wheels says:
Dude wrong blog.
April 20, 2020 — 2:13 pm
NiceNiceNoose says:
You can have plenty of big pots, but they don’t mean anything if you don’t know how to cook. Also, sex.
April 20, 2020 — 1:21 pm
Desi Relaford says:
I like to cook rice in an excessively large pot. It seems to taste better. I will use a 6-quart pot to cook 2 cups of rice. It keeps down on water boiling over.
April 20, 2020 — 1:21 pm
La Muerte Peluda says:
Question…Can CBD oil be used to season my pot? Asking for a sponsor.
April 20, 2020 — 1:30 pm
bitch what line says:
this, this is the stuff that they can’t copy, that they can’t even come up with!
and also the stuff that makes quarantine a little more bearable today, thank you for your tireless examinations of the real and difficult questions
April 20, 2020 — 1:30 pm
Darrone says:
I weighed all my pots and they are 37 kilos.
April 20, 2020 — 1:34 pm
Sons of Sam Malone says:
That much’ll get you way more than a simple possession charge.
April 20, 2020 — 2:02 pm
CaptFamous says:
Look, I came here to get the scoop on pot, hoping you were ready to dish on bowls, but man, it hasn’t panned out. Reading this made my eyes glass over.
April 20, 2020 — 1:46 pm
Garfield Thelonius Remington III says:
Got me boiling mad, it did. Now my brain is fried.
April 20, 2020 — 1:53 pm
Zoomazooma says:
You beautiful damn bastard.
April 20, 2020 — 1:51 pm
BoredEsq says:
If you don’t clean all that pot, it’ll get moldy and you’ll have to worry about what STICKs to SPORES.
/I’ll see myself out.
April 20, 2020 — 2:44 pm
CMBoourns says:
I sold all my pots for some sweet sweet SUNSoIL (?) CBD. Which I then took so I’m not so worried about missing all my pots.
April 20, 2020 — 2:50 pm
Asherdan says:
Does the 55 gallon drum I put on car jacks and shove a propane burner under so I can heat turkey plucking water in count?
April 20, 2020 — 3:02 pm
BeverlySills90210 says:
I generally drink beer, but I’m married to someone who drinks wine. Two bottles of wine should be the bare minimum. Instead of wondering if you should be getting a second bottle, you should be considering buying a wagon to help you get your 6-8 bottle of wine home. You’re welcome.
April 20, 2020 — 3:57 pm
BeverlySills90210 says:
* bottles
April 20, 2020 — 3:58 pm
OverturnedLaurie says:
As many pots as it takes to cook all the Herbs
April 20, 2020 — 4:40 pm
HaywoodJablome says:
Eh, don’t think Spanfeller would taste all that good.
April 21, 2020 — 11:35 am
DeadEye says:
I have a bit of a cast iron obssession so yeah…
23 total pot/pan
Cast Iron
8″ Skillet 3
10″ Skillet 1
8″ griddle pan 2
6 qt dutch oven 1
6.5 qt enameled oval dutch oven 1
griddle/grill pan 1
10″ skillet 1
4″ skillet 1
20 qt stock pot 1
12 qt stock pot 1
6 qt stock pot 2
6 qt steamer pot 1
14 qt stock pot 1
8 qt stock pot 1
large saucier 1
med sauce pan 1
sm. sauce pan 1
Anodized aluminum roasting pan 1
15″ paella pan 2
Assorted ceramic bakeware and pyrex lots
8″ non-stick skillet 1
4″ non-stick
April 20, 2020 — 5:12 pm
bigblueballs says:
Holy shit
April 20, 2020 — 9:46 pm
29_sunset says:
Man, this headline is flagrant false advertising.
April 20, 2020 — 5:51 pm
Tiny hand says:
I have plenty of pot, my problem is not enough rocks. I use them to smash garlic.
April 20, 2020 — 6:22 pm
Count Tolstoy says:
Have about, oh, twelve pot.
April 20, 2020 — 10:54 pm
Jimmy Dugan’s Piss Tape says:
question: is this where we discuss whether or not an insta-pot is a pot?
April 21, 2020 — 3:35 am
MmmBrains says:
Tie good, you like shirt?
April 21, 2020 — 12:57 pm
Jauffins says:
well, haha, that certainly was a big POT twist
April 21, 2020 — 8:33 pm
Erotic Joe says:
I thought Brad had commented on here, Kluwe-style. That would have pushed him over Sohla as my favourite BATK personality.
April 22, 2020 — 3:00 pm