- Big arm circles
- Reach way high!
- Calf
- Knees to chest
- (team captain voice) “Hip flexors!”
- Butterfly
- Quad
- Side bends
- Neck rolls
- That shoulder thing where you put your arm straight across your chest and then lock it toward your body with your other arm
- Piriformis
- Triceps
- Grabbing your head and pulling it toward your shoulder
- Little arm circles
- Being put on the rack
- Hamstring (alone)
- Hamstring (with partner)

"Jeff Heath Stretching 9896" by Chris Hunkeler is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Dreadspun says:
18. Being hit by a bus
19. The end of this site
February 2, 2020 — 9:08 am
Brother Goodell says:
February 2, 2020 — 2:23 pm
Your Mother says:
Butterfly should be way higher. That shit is classic.
February 2, 2020 — 9:09 am
Collin says:
Homer Simpson Drool Voice:
mmmmmm… Ham Strings.
February 2, 2020 — 9:12 am
NotSameSadEcho says:
What about stretching some puss?
February 2, 2020 — 9:14 am
RedMenace75 says:
+1 bro-shake
February 2, 2020 — 9:59 am
down and out on a cliff branch says:
Okay, I’ll buy your password appy thingie as long as you continue to sponsor quality sports writing. Except for Ratto. He uses too many letter groups I don’t understand.
February 2, 2020 — 12:58 pm
Derry Murbles says:
Idiot. +1
February 2, 2020 — 10:47 am
Don Macherone says:
Where is “hit by an unnamed temporary public transport vehicle”?
February 2, 2020 — 9:15 am
RedMenace75 says:
February 2, 2020 — 9:59 am
being hit by a car says:
February 2, 2020 — 10:55 am
Caviar smokeboy says:
All fine stretches .
Don’t gorget the team captain yelling “PUSH IT” during every stretch.
February 2, 2020 — 9:18 am
Rebel Yelich says:
15a) Being head-butted by The Bus.
How about a Super Bowl edition of “We’re UTSB, Let’s Chat!” episode?!?
February 2, 2020 — 9:20 am
Spanfeller is a Herb says:
I am engaging with this quality content
February 2, 2020 — 9:24 am
Bae Bae Watt says:
What, no Iroquois Twists?
February 2, 2020 — 9:29 am
Goblin Army says:
That shoulder thing where you put your arm straight across your chest and then lock it toward your body with your other arm Is #1 people who use a standing desk at work.
February 2, 2020 — 9:30 am
JustAGuyGuy says:
February 2, 2020 — 9:30 am
Aquacow says:
Thank you guys so much for this. I missed reading you guys and missed the community. I’ll be sad at the end of today.
February 2, 2020 — 9:30 am
adam says:
knees to chest got robbed
February 2, 2020 — 9:31 am
Idaho says:
Too early to stretch thanks. I’ll watch you guys while having my coffee
February 2, 2020 — 9:34 am
🍌 time says:
1. What are piriformis?
2. What about gopher holes?
February 2, 2020 — 9:35 am
Weekend At Herbie’s says:
Also just to add…
Thank you for this. The world has become a truly ugly place and you guys make it a little better.
February 2, 2020 — 9:36 am
darrone says:
You forgot the 70s porn version of stretching: lunges
February 2, 2020 — 9:39 am
Pedantic Comment says:
What’s the line between little arm circles and big arm circles? Are there medium arm circles, or are they all little or big?
February 2, 2020 — 9:43 am
taco mike says:
Ooooh, that shoulder thing was my favorite for when I was doggin it during warm-ups but wanted to look extremely dialed in.
February 2, 2020 — 9:49 am
Jake, the Snake Plumber says:
What , no bend your knee, hook your shoulder and look behind you?
This list is crap!
Damnit I missed this.
February 2, 2020 — 9:49 am
sockit2me says:
This list is trash without that stretch where your back cracks whose name I can’t remember.
February 2, 2020 — 10:00 am
Constantine says:
If the rack is a dish rack because the guy who’s supposed to bring it is a moron, you can always bust out the comfy chair.
February 2, 2020 — 10:26 am
Houstondude says:
Really, guys, we should get a little warmed up with some light running before stretching. It’s better that way.
February 2, 2020 — 10:29 am
Globex Corporation says:
Don’t walk through the door. I’m not ready for you to go.
February 2, 2020 — 11:23 am
James Earl Jonestown Massacre says:
I missed you all so hard. Now I am going to miss you again! Though not quite as hard, because I am old and it will take a while….
February 2, 2020 — 1:24 pm
Dr Salk says:
Piriformis? Gaw, aren’t we getting all fancy. Just my way of saying I have no clue.
February 2, 2020 — 1:49 pm
Ctrl-F "Bear" says:
All stretches are OUT (so says the Australian ballet) https://dancemagazine.com.au/2019/09/why-the-australian-ballet-dancers-quit-stretching/
Though I love any of the shoulder things, and what my Pilates teacher calls a Pretzel stretch is comfy as shit.
February 2, 2020 — 2:33 pm
Chris ACU says:
18. Whatever Dak was doing that got everyone so riled up.
February 2, 2020 — 3:02 pm
Copperhammer says:
19. Trying to piss from long distance while reaching and making sure the bathroom door is closed because it doesn’t lock
February 2, 2020 — 5:39 pm