As a metaphor for our times, you could do worse than the story of Gimadiah Scrogum. In 2015, the Branson (Mo.) Tri-Lakes News reported, Scrogum was pulled over for driving a white Ford pickup without the headlights on. When the cop approached, Scrogum floored it. According to the police report,
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Graphics: Dennis Clark. View the full-size bracket here.
In their scramble to fill the airwaves with content after the loss of their only valuable commodity—live games—ESPN and the other 24/7 sports channels have mostly opted to play the hits from the past few decades. The Worldwide Leader has tried to promote replays of iconic games like Cavs-Warriors Game 7, Texas-USC in the Rose Bowl, and Super Bowl XLII as true viewing events. NHL Network has shown marathons of Stanley Cup-clinching games. And as I write this, MLB Network is currently airing Game 7 of the 2016 World Series.
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Let me show you how the UTSB sausage works. Earlier this afternoon someone (me) dropped into the Slack this video, of a baby larger than is normal for babies:
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Novak Djokovic said he was “opposed to vaccination” and would be uncomfortable if taking a coronavirus vaccine was a condition for playing on tour. The men’s tennis world No. 1 made these remarks during a livestream on Sunday, translated from the original Serbian by Reuters:
Read moreWhen times are hardest, even the Disney Corporation signs off on the F-bomb. I mean, sure, lots of other unprecedented things happen these days, but this is network TV’s whopper with cheese.
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Just under three minutes into The Last Dance, we meet one of the documentary’s stars: Michael Jordan’s drink tumbler. Sitting next to Jordan during one of the interviews he did for this 10-part documentary, the tumbler appears in multiple shots throughout the first two episodes. Sometimes it’s full. Sometimes it’s empty. We don’t see Jordan drink it, but we can tell he did.
Read moreI’ve spent no less than one trillion years this quarantine thinking about, worrying about, and ethically debating amounts. How much toilet paper do two people really need? If you only go to the liquor store every two weeks, should you also pick up a bottle of wine at the grocery store even though you don’t have a car and will have to carry the heavy wine back to your apartment? Do you buy two bottles of wine? Is it unethical to buy two bags of flour even though you haven’t seen all-purpose flour in weeks and your fellow citizens might need some? And of course: how much pot is the right amount of pot?
Read moreOn April 9, 2020, I saw this video of Jameis Winston doing some sort of drill:
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